Friday, May 25, 2012

Mandela's Release 1990

After 27 years in prison, Mandela was finally released from prison on February 11th, 1990. He was 71 years old and was finally a free man. Black people in South Africa still could not vote but it would not be long before Mandela would change that. On that day, he made a large speech to the nation. His mission had not changed since his imprisonment. He addressed the fact that he was dedicated to a peaceful way of living among the countries white minority. His overall goal was declared when he said that he wanted the black population to have equal rights amounts in all levels of governmential elections.
For the  4 years after his release, Mandela had several conferences with the ANC. These negotiations had started the end of apartheid in South Africa. Mandela and President de Clerk signed an agreement that generally stated that there would be a new constitution drafted. They were both honored for this effort when the were presented with a Nobel Peace Prize.
He was elected president in 1994. The elections were the first that had a black candidate. His presidency was one that brought about many changes in South Africa.

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